That is why I'm using the 'Thin' server instead of the default 'WEBrick' server.
Simply installed like this:
$ gem install thin
The next step is to generate the certificates (self-signed):
$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha1 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout .ssl/server.key -out .ssl/server.crt
Since these certificates should only be used in development, I added them to the .gitignore file.
Now, we just need to run Thin with the certificates. However, the server still cannot serve both http and https requests on the same port, so we create 2 separate servers, one for the non-SSL and one for the SSL requests:
$ thin start -p 3000
$ thin start -p 3001 --ssl --ssl-verify --ssl-key-file .ssl/server.key --ssl-cert-file .ssl/server.crt
$ thin start -p 3001 --ssl --ssl-verify --ssl-key-file .ssl/server.key --ssl-cert-file .ssl/server.crt
Checkout this blog entry by Railway for more details, and a code snippet for letting the application handle the port switching: